21st-century luxury bathrooms are supposed to be a retreat from our frenetic lives.
While other living spaces are presumed to be shared with others, the bathroom is designed for a private time. Therefore so special.
Designing spaces like this is often a challenge and that’s precisely why Luxury Bathrooms was born. This page is meant to be your primary source of research when you are looking for decorating tips, leading luxury brands and stunning interior design projects.
Feel free to browse our pages and get inspired by the world’s most unique bathroom designs from brands such as Antonio Lupi and Vitra. Get to know the latest furnishings and trends, and learn how to build the perfect bathroom.
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Luxury Bathrooms is all about providing the best design inspirations and news on bathroom furniture. And to become the number one source, we will need your help.
If there’s anything you’d like to know about our page or any content you’d like to see published more often, feel free to share with our team.
We want to provide the latest interior design projects from brands like Utopia and Antonio Lupi, we want to share the best of bathroom design and events, therefore any ideas are welcome.
Help us become the number one page on luxury bathrooms and join our mission to help professionals around the world.
Contact us through info@luxurybathrooms.eu or fill in the form below.
At Luxury Bathrooms we believe we can learn and improve our blog with the contribution of our followers. So If you are interested about the modern bathroom design and would like to join our mission to inspire professionals around the world, contact us!
Send us a writing sample on design inspirations, projects or top luxury brands like Duravit and Scavolini, all featuring incredible modern bathroom design ideas.
We will gladly share your work. Hope to hear from you soon!
Contact us through info@luxurybathrooms.eu or fill in the form below.
Our page is dedicated to inspire professionals around the world with incredible designer bathrooms and bathroom furniture.
If you want to share your work with the most important stakeholders in the furniture design industry, you’re in the right place.
Share the same spotlight as luxury brands like Arca Mobili and Burlington and reach over 45000 viewers each month.
The perfect opportunity, just a few seconds away!
Contact us through info@luxurybathrooms.eu or fill in the form below.